Kia-ora, Kia-orana, Talofa, Malo E Lelei, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula Vinaka, Namaste, Sat Sri Akal,
Salam alaikum, Kumusta, and warm Pacific greetings to you all.
Welcome to our Randwick Park website. We are very proud of our school.
We are a full primary school – Years 1-8.
Our school roll sits around 650.
We are a tapestry of cultures, making our kura a vibrant place to be
25 % Maori tamariki
47% Pasifika students
16% Indian students
12% are from a variety of other cultures.
There are over 30 different languages spoken amongst our RPS whānau.
Randwick Park School opened in 1996 and I have been the Principal for the duration. Once you join our learning community it is very hard to leave.
2024 has been a great year with much to celebrate. The following is an outline of some of our stand-out events.
The 2024 Kids Sing competition and gala festival was held at the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Parnell. At the award presentation our RPS Psamony choir not only captured the coveted Audience Choice Award. They also took home the Colleen Elliot Adjudicators Award for a successive year. For the first time, they were the recipient of the Lawson Award for best performance of a New Zealand Composition, as well as the Volunteers Award, selected by the volunteers who helped run this prestigious event. We are especially proud of this award because it highlights our school values of respect, positivity, and kindness!
There are five major awards in the Full Primary and Intermediate Section, and our Psamony Choir took home four of them! The choir’s outstanding success has set a new standard for excellence in the competition.
Rehu Tai: Ames Rhodes, one of our Year 6 tane, was the overall winner of the Auckland Primary Principals Association Year 5-6 Rehu Tai (speech) competition, the theme being Kotahitanga (Unity).
Our hikoi to the 2024 AIMS Games was an astounding success; we have 140 intermediate tamariki to draw from. We were up against intermediate schools with over 900 Year 7-8 students. We continue to punch well above our weight. The following were our placings over the tournament:
Girls Futsal placed 2nd out of 22 teams
Boys Futsal placed 25th out of 45 teams
Girls Netball placed 4th out of 140 teams
Rugby 7’s placed 29 out of 45 teams
Recognition must go to the dedication of our coaches and managers entering their teams in numerous pre-AIMS Games competitions alongside the commitment and dedication of our players and their whānau and aiga.
The Counties Manukau Games also proved to be a very successful event, with the results as follows:
1st place: Yr 7/8 Mixed Netball; Yr 5/6 Girls’ Netball; Yr 5/6 Football.
2nd place: Yr 7/8 Football, Tag, Netball; Yr 5/6 Touch.
Entering competitions for the first time and winning the South Auckland Intermediate Chess Competition, our Year 7-8 Chess Team flew into Wellington for the National Chess Championships.
In Term 4 we received our Education Review Office report.
The following is some of the feedback that resonates with the values we have as a learning community.
More students now achieve at and above expected curriculum levels in mathematics; achievement levels for students in reading and writing have been sustained.
Students are increasingly aware of their roles and responsibilities within collaborative learning environments and as independent learners
Students regularly set and review goals in partnership with their parents and teachers
Learner outcomes are becoming increasingly equitable and excellent…
The large majority of learners achieve at or above expected curriculum levels in reading, writing and mathematics.
Maori learners attending over time achieve higher than all students, particularly in reading and writing…
Learners express a strong sense of belonging and pride in their school; they are confident in their identities, languages and cultures.
Leaders regularly gather relevant feedback from students, staff, parents and whānau and use this information appropriately to inform decision making and strategic planning.
Students experience calm and inclusive learning environments where mutual respect between learners and teachers supports high engagement and learning activities.
A strong schoolwide culture of care for learners contributes to positive relationships that support their wellbeing.
Parents and whānau, as key partners in their child’s learning, actively participate in the life of the school.
RPS learning community can stand proudly and strongly as a result of this independent learning report! The knowledge that our school is giving our tamariki the education they deserve is the ultimate compliment.
2024 saw us break our RPS Hui Ako record achieving 94% participation. We receive such fantastic support from you, our RPS whānau. This was an awesome effort and reflects the value we all place on the education of our tamariki.
A special congratulations to Miss Kimberley Tangaroa, a Randwick Park ex-student, Mainfreight recipient and now a fully registered teacher at RPS. We are very proud of all she is achieving.
We are privileged to have an amazing staff who unreservedly go that extra distance for our tamariki and community.
There is a community saying here at Randwick Park “Don’t just live here, be a local”.
We look forward to you joining our Randwick Park whānau and trusting us with your most precious toanga, the education of your tamariki.
Ngā mihi nui
Karen McMurray
Principal / Tumuaki ō Randwick Park School
PGDip Arts. B Ed. Dip Tch.