Announcement : 

Kia Ora! Welcome to Randwick Park School

Randwick Park School Board


The Role Of The Randwick Park School Board

The Randwick Park School Board is accountable for the governance of the school by making sure that the school achieves its Charter goals through excellent practice.

The Board

  • Employs all the staff in the school.
  • Defines the school’s purpose by overseeing the development of the Charter
  • Sets policies within the school
  • Appoints the Principal and assesses her performance in meeting the educational goals of the Board.
  • Supports the Principal in her delegation to manage the school.
  • Ensures the school and the Board are communicating effectively with the community.

Our Board Members

Principal: Karen McMurray

Karen McMurray

Kia-ora koutou katoa

I have been involved in education for over forty-eight years. I have been a Principal for over 28 years across three schools in Auckland. All schools have been full Primary Schools with students ages ranging from 5-13 years.

I am the foundation Principal of Randwick Park School which I’m proud to say I have served in for 26 years. We celebrate the cultural diversity of our RPS whanau. The cultural mix of our school which is Maori (25%) and Pacific Island (47%) students. We have increasing numbers of Asian and Middle Eastern students (18%). Previously our “Randwick Park” community won the prestigious national “Community of the Year Award” recognising the work our leaders in the community have done to make this a place where the residents are proud to live. “Don’t just live here be a local!”

Our school focus is on developing agentic learners. Discovery (our inquiry approach is based on the “Reggio Emilia Philosophy”. We aspire to create collaborative, problem-solving, confident learners and are very aware of the wealth of resource personnel within our very own community.

We look forward to welcoming you as part of our RPS whānau.

Ngā mihi nui

Karen McMurray
Tumuaki / Principal

Board Chair Person: Lisa du Preez

Lisa du Preez

My name is Lisa du Preez I joined the RPS Board in 2016, as a Board Member.

I grew up in Panmure and went to the local Panmure Bridge Primary followed by Tamaki Intermediate and Tamaki & then Edgewater College.

I have had a varied career starting off as an Office Junior for a local plumbing firm before embarking on her Big OE, becoming a nanny in London. I then moved into the financial sector as an Assistant and then my last job in England I was an Executive Assistant to the Chair and Chief Executive of a Hospitals Trust (3 hospitals).

I moved back home to Tāmaki Makaurau with my South African husband and two girls, who have been raised in Randwick Park, and now proudly attend RPS. I have been the Chair of the local Papakura Parents Centre which I enjoyed for 3 years.

Other Board Members:

  • Sala’a Lologa (Staff Representative)
  • Karen McMurray (Principal)
  • Julianne Warid
  • Shafeel Dean
  • Satinder Singh
  • Faizal Ramzan

Board members can be contacted through our school office on 09 2670112 / 0800 438777.

2021 Audited Accounts.pdf

AoV 2022 Reading Writing Maths-compressed.pdf

2022 Audited Accounts-compressed.pdf