Announcement : 

We have completed our lockdown exercise and all students, staff, and persons on-site are safely accounted for.  Everyone did extremely well and responded to instructions.  A notice will be going out to parents/caregivers tonight to provide some more information about our emergency lockdown procedures. I would like to personally thank you for your support while we conduct these practices.  Kind regards – Karen McMurray, Principal

Week 4 Newsletter

Randwick Park
School Newsletter
Kia Tapu Kia mohio tahi tatous.
Growing and Learning Together

TUESDAY 31  OCTOBER  2023        Rātū toru tekau ma tahi o Whiringa-ā-nuku 

Kia Ora, Kia Orana, Sastrikal, Namaste, Talofa, Malo e lelei, Fakalofa lahi atu,
Bula Vinaka, Salam & Warm Pacific Greetings to you all


Wednesday 1 November
Manu Tioriori Festival at the Due Drop Events Centre, 7 – 9 pm

Thursday 2 November
Rimu (Yr 1) and Totara (Yr 2) Team Cross Country, school field, all welcome

Friday 3 November
Duffy Role Model Assembly, 9:40 am, all whānau welcome

Thursday 9 November
Kowhai Team (Yr 3/4) MOTAT Trip: Rooms 14, 15 and 19

Friday 10 November
Kowhai Team (Yr 3/4) MOTAT Trip: Rooms 17, 18 and 19

Thursday 16 November
Sunny Memorial Football game

Friday 17 November
Whole School Assembly, rooms 13 & 18 hosting, 1.50 pm, all welcome

Monday 20 and Tuesday 21 November
Staff Development Days, school closed

Friday 1 December
– Alfriston College Connection Day, Yr 8 students, 9 am – 12 pm
– RPS Arts & Cultural Day, more information to come

Tuesday 19 December
Final day for 2023


RPS we surpassed all expectations! The election organisers anticipated that we would get around 250 voters through the door. Thanks to you all we had 520 voters and of these 203 were special votes. This was fantastic. Go RPS whānau!


It was great watching 125 very excited tamariki heading off to camp yesterday. Our Pohutukawa Team has two nights, and three days at the Carey Park Christian Camp in Henderson Valley.

Randwick Park School tamariki have the challenge of getting 100% attendance for Term 4.  Everyone who achieves this goes in the draw to win a scooter and helmet.  At the moment we have 253 people or 37% of the school in the draw! Keep it up RPS.


Rimu – Average = 97%

Room 1/2 – 21/21                      100%
Room 3 – 19/21                          90%
Room 4 –  21/21                        100%
Room 5 –  19/19                        100%
Room 6 –  18/20                         90%
Room 7 – 21/21                          100%

Totara – Average =   100%

Room 24 –  25/25                     100%
Room 25 –  26/26                     100%
Room 26 –  24/24                     100%

Kowhai – Average =  89%

Room 14 – 25/29                       86%
Room 15 –  25/29                      86%
Room 17 – 29/30                       97% 
Room 18 – 25/28                       89%
Room 19 – 25/29                       86%

Pohutukawa – Average = 87%

Room 10 –  23/27                       85%
Room 11 –  23/29                       70%
Room 31 – 30/30                       100%
Room 32 –  27/29                        93%


Kahikatea – Average = 92%

Room 12 – 29/29                      100%
Room 13 – 30/30                      100%
Room 20 – 28/29                        97%
Room 21 – 22/26                        85%
Room 22 – 28/29                        97%
Room 23 – 21/29                        72%


Nga Manukura – Average = 85%

Room 8 –  11/13                         85%


188 whānau members completed this which was fantastic. Over the next few newsletters, we will share the feedback we received. 

1. At Randwick Park we aim to provide a balance of learning across the curriculum, how would you rate what we are currently delivering?


Tomorrow evening our Kahui Ako (community of schools) is holding its inaugural Manu Tioriori Festival at Due Drop Events Centre. Our choir is performing songs with our Tongan Cultural Group. We are very excited to have both groups showing some of the tremendous talents within our kura.


You are very welcome to join us. Here is a little bit about our special guest:

Kenape Saupese: Kenape’s parents migrated to Aotearoa from Samoa. He grew up within the church environment where at a very young age he discovered a talent in music and carried this on to commence a music career.

Kenapa was privileged to receive Pacific Music Awards, Māori Music Awards, and an Aotearoa Music Award.

Reading has been an important part of helping him in his music creation process specifically in the art of writing music. It has helped to increase his vocabulary skills as an artist, and this is vital in being able to convey feelings through the lyrics and music that he has composed. Kenape is humbled to be a role model for Duffy Books.

We have two contact numbers for our school:

  • 09 2670112
  • 0800 438 777
    Please save these numbers in case our teachers and office staff need to contact families/whānau for various reasons.

School Policies and Procedures

Username:      randwickpark 

password:       rpscommunity

All reviews are open to the board, staff, students, and our school community (parents/whānau).
Anyone can review any policy/procedure that has a review button.
Below are the topics the board will review this term. Whānau can review these topics too; they’re not exclusively for the board.

To start reviewing, click on a topic name, then click the “start your review” button.

Note that if you’d like to provide feedback on a topic that’s not listed below, you can still do so if it has a review button.


*Curriculum and Student Achievement Policy

*Student Achievement Information/Student Assessment and Achievement

*Home Learning

*Distance Learning

*Health Education

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