Announcement : 

Kia Ora! Welcome to Randwick Park School

Tuesday 11 February 2025

Randwick Park
School Newsletter
Kia Tupu Kia mohio tahi tatou.
Growing and Learning Together

Tuesday 11 February 2025     Rātū tekau mā tahi o Hui-Tanguru

Kia Ora, Kia Orana, Sat Sri Akal, Namaste, Talofa, Mālō e lelei, Fakalofa lahi atu,Bula Vinaka, Salam & Warm Pacific Greetings to you all


Wednesday 12 February
Swimming Team to Massey Park Pools

Thursday 13 February
Year 7/8 Camp meeting 6pm in Staffroom

Monday 17 February
Kahikatea Team starts swimming

Tuesday 18 February

Central Counties Sports Association Year 7/8 Softball 
Prince Edward Park Papakura

Tuesday 25 February – Thursday 27 February
Te Hui Ako – a meeting to share learning

Tuesday 25 February & Wednesday 26 February
Final Bell

Tuesday 18 March – Friday 21 March
Kahikatea (Year 7 & 8) Camp to the Christian Youth Camp, Ngāruawāhia

Friday 11 April
Final day for Term One

Monday 28 April
Term 2 commences

Monday 2 June
Kings Birthday (Public holiday)
School Closed


We have had over 95 new enrollments come through our school gates in the first 2 weeks of our school term!

To our new whānau joining us, we warmly welcome you to Randwick Park School. Thank you for entrusting us to educate your tamaiti.
We look forward to seeing all our new faces in the playground, classes and school trips in the future.

Attending School and After School

Our school day starts at 8.40am. Students are legally required to attend school everyday.Support is available for families of children who find it challenging attending school.

Parents/ whānau play a big role in helping your tamariki/child do well in school. You can do this by making sure your tamaiti come to school everyday and letting our school know if they’re sick.

If your child is late to school in the morning, they need to go to Miss Dot’s office (located in the corridor at the back of the office), sign in and get a late pass, before heading to class.

School finishes at 2.45pm. All students are to be off-site/off-school grounds by 3pm unless they are attending training for a sport. This is for safety reasons as we do not have supervision in case of emergency, injury or incident.

Contact SKIDS (after-school care) if you need supervision for your child/ren

School Uniform
Terms 1 and 4 are our warmest terms. We ask that tamariki please wear our school hat during our outside times. Our summer uniform consists of our school shorts, skirt, polo shirt and school shoes (Roman Sandals, school shoes (black, white, or navy blue), or sports shoes (black, white or navy blue)

Crocs, Jandals or Heelys are not suitable footwear, and are not part of our RPS uniform.

If your child is wearing a piece of jewellery as part of their culture, please advise their class teacher or our school office.

For safety reasons: only studs and sleepers are permitted. Hoop earrings or large decorative earrings are not part of our RPS uniform.


Swimming is an important part of our education programme. The pool is heated to 26 degrees celsius. Each team has allocated weeks to swim

Yr 7/8
Monday 17 Feb – Friday 28 Feb

Yr 5/6
Monday 3 March – Friday 15 March

Yr 1/2

Monday 17 March – Friday 28 March

Yr 3/4
 Monday 31 March – April 11 March

If you have any questions, please contact our school office on 09 267 0112, email, or your child/ren’s teacher.

School Lunches

The government has changed the school lunch provider this year. We ask whānau/ families to please send your tamaiti with an extra packed lunch w
hile we are still in the transition phase, and the provider addresses their challenges.

Thank you for being patient and understanding while we navigate through this. We will keep you updated on Hero.

Hero App

Hero is our official site to gain up-to-date information Hero is our school management system. Below is the information on downloading the app, so you are kept informed with your childs progress and up-to-date school events.

2025 COHORT DATES (enrolment dates)FOR NEW ENTRANTS (5 year-old tamariki)

Term 1: 10 March
Term 2: 29 April / 4 June
Term 3: 14 July / 18 August
Term 4: 6 October /  10 November

If you have any questions about enrolments and start dates please talk to our office staff or email


8.00AM – 8.30AM



For access to School Docs use the following login

Username: randwickpark
Password: rpscommunity

Photos/posts about your tamariki

Please advise us if you do not want your child/ren’s photo taken and posted to our school media. you can either email or pop into the school office and we can update this on Hero.

Term 1 Te Hui Ako: A meeting to share learning
Tuesday 25 February – Thursday 27 February

As we did not have a ‘Family/Whanau Hui Day at the start of this year, we thought that it would be appropriate to have Te Hui Ako. These conferences/hui are some of the highlights in our school calendar. Our aim is to meet with 100% of you over three days. The challenge is to achieve 100% participation across our whole school. Some classes consistently achieve 100%.

The purpose of these conferences/hui is for you, your son/daughter and your child’s teacher to meet together and discuss the goals they have set for themselves, including what they are planning on achieving between now and our next Te Hui Ako in Term 2. Tamariki learn best when family/whānau and school are proactively working together to support them. We are so proud of the participation we get from you our community.

The information and the booking sheet have been sent out today, please complete and return to our school office.

If you have any pātai/questions, contact our school office on 09 2670112 or 0800438777 or email


When dropping your tamariki off in the morning please use our yellow coned drop-off area. This is for the safety of you and your tamariki. If you would like to walk your child/ren to class, please park out on the road, avoiding the yellow lines/ residential driveways.

Our school gates close at 2pm. Only parents/whānau who have a parking permit are permitted through the gates, as we have limited parking spaces.

if you have any questions, please contact our school office on 09 267 0112 or 0800438777,  or email Thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation in keeping our tamariki safe.

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