Thank you to all aiga who were able to attend our hui earlier this term. The following is an outline of the learning that will be addressed at the different year levels.
Rimu, Totara and Kowhai Teams (Year 0 – 4)
27th to 31st May
How am I the same? How am I different?
- Describing similarities and differences to others.
Expressing my feelings
- Using “I” statements to express ideas and feelings.
My growing body and the things it can do
- Describing how their bodies change as they grow, such as getting taller
- Identify things that they can do now and set goals to work on
4th to 7th June
My body parts
- Identify and name body parts, including private body parts.
- Discuss how we care for our bodies, including keeping clean
Standing up for myself and others
- Recognise bullying behaviour and strategies to stand up for themselves and others.
My body is mine
- Understand that their body is their own
- Develop strategies to keep themselves safe
- Safe and unsafe touching and the difference
- What to do if they experience a touch that hurts or that they don’t like
- Identifying people who can help them keep safe
Pohutukawa Team (Year 5&6)
27th to 31st May
Area 1: Establishing a positive learning environment – Te whakarite i tētahi ao ako huapai
Activity: Establishing safe ways to ask questions and inquire together
- Students will develop strategies for safely asking and answering questions about aspects of sexuality.
Area 2: Who am I? Ko wai au?
Activity: Recognising media influences on identity
- Students will explore messages communicated in the media and how these can influence our identity and self-worth.
Area 3: Relationships – Ngā whanaungatanga
Activity: Managing relationships
- Students will identify strategies for coping with changes in friendships.
Activity: Understanding different perspectives
- Students will develop awareness that the same situations can be perceived differently by different people.
Activity: Making decisions
- Students will identify the factors that influence decision-making.
4th to 7th June
Area 4: Growing and changing – Te Tipu me te huri o te tangata
Where appropriate, boys and girls will be taught the content separately.
Activity: Pubertal Change
- Students will identify the changes that occur during puberty and recognise that most of the changes happen to everybody.
Activity: Looking after our bodies
- Students will explore strategies to look after their bodies before, during, and after puberty.
Activity: Truths and myths about hygiene
- Students will discuss useful strategies for managing change during and after puberty.
- Students will develop some key statements that will reinforce learning about hygiene
Kahikatea Team (Year 7&8)
4th to 7th June
Balancing rights and responsibilities
- explore how our rights and responsibilities increase as we get older
- identify their current responsibilities and prepare for those they will have in the future
- identify rights and responsibilities in given situations.
Understanding gender and stereotypes
- identify gender stereotypes and their impact on people’s sense of identity
- discuss strategies to challenge gender stereotypes that they can use
- identify how social messages about gender can affect people’s experiences of becoming an adult
Puberty session 1
Pubertal Change
- review and identify the changes that take place during puberty and recognise that most of them happen to everybody.
Puberty session 2
Managing Pubertal change
- explore how people experience pubertal change and identify and discuss practical ways of managing changes and feelings
- explore concepts about body image and how to foster positive body image.
10th to 14th June
The Human Reproductive System
Use the correct terms for the reproductive parts of their bodies and understand their functions.
Support & Assertiveness and making decisions
- develop and demonstrate assertiveness and decision-making skills.
Online Safety
- identify and manage the impact of online bullying.
If you have any questions about any of the Relationship and Sexuality programme we will be teaching across our kura please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher and/or the Team Leader.