Announcement : 

We have completed our lockdown exercise and all students, staff, and persons on-site are safely accounted for.  Everyone did extremely well and responded to instructions.  A notice will be going out to parents/caregivers tonight to provide some more information about our emergency lockdown procedures. I would like to personally thank you for your support while we conduct these practices.  Kind regards – Karen McMurray, Principal


Randwick Park

Kia Tupu, Kia mohio tahi tatou
Growing and Learning Together


Randwick Park School

Kia Tupu, Kia mohio tahi tatou
Growing and Learning Together

Principal's Welcome

Kia-ora and warm pacific greetings to you all. Welcome to our dynamic whānau centred school. It is a privilege to be the Leader of Learning of this exciting, vibrant learning community. As a school/kura we continually strive to give our tamariki the best opportunities to achieve.

Having our community actively involved in the learning for our tamariki is a priority. One of the great examples of this is “Te Hui Ako” which continues to be one of the flagship of the curriculum tools we provide. The success of this initiative can be attributed to the fantastic support from our RPS community. Partnership with whānau, learning from and with each other is what makes our place so special.

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Ngā manaakitanga

Karen McMurray
Principal /Tumuaki



Friday, November 29

Yr 8 Learner Day at A/C
9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Friday, December 20

No bags
12:00 am

Friday, April 25

12:00 am

Facebook Feed


Facebook Feed


Friday, November 29

Yr 8 Learner Day at A/C
9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Friday, December 20

No bags
12:00 am

Friday, April 25

12:00 am


Responsible & Resilient

Positive & Kind

Succeeding as Collaborative, Curious and Creative thinkers


Te Pepeha o Te Kura o Randwick Park

Ko Matukutureia rāua ko 
Matukutururu ngā Maunga
Ko Puhinui te Awa
Ko Te Manukanukatanga o Hoturoa te Moana
Ko Tainui te Waka
Ko Manurewa te Marae
Ko Hoturoa te Rangatira
Ko Kaiwhare raua ko Taramainuku ngā Kaitiaki
Ko Tainui te Iwi
Ko Randwick Park te Kura

Learning Areas


School Haka

Torona kei waho (x4 beats)
Ko ngā hau e wha e takatakahia i te whenua

O Manurewa i ahaha

Tau ai ko te ihi
Tau ai ko te wehi
O ngā tupuna e“

Aue me tū rangatira i te ao hurihuri
Me whai i te iti kahurangi e

Ko waie tū nei?

Ko ngā tamariki
Ko ngā taiohi
Ko ngā rangatahi mo āpopo e
Kia tupu kia ako tahi tatou e

Find Us

66 Riverton Drive, Manurewa, Auckland 2105